Health and Safety Video - Triton Power

Saltend, Hull

As much of the World went into lockdown during the global outbreak of COVID-19, Triton Power continued to deliver their services as a private, independent power generating company. Having previously worked with Triton on past projects, we knew the importance of their service and that shutting down wouldn’t be an option so when they approached us looking for a way to ensure their employees and visitors could minimise risk and remain as safe as possible while on site during the pandemic, we started to discuss adding an additional piece of video to the induction we’d already produced for them that related specifically to COVID-19.

We had two main considerations with this project. Firstly, the safety of our team and the Triton Power employees was paramount during planning. Ensuring we all followed government guidelines and adhered to social distancing, regular handwashing and the correct PPE was vital for reducing our risk. Secondly, we had to carefully consider the information we were telling to make sure it was accurate, concise and easy to follow as this was going to be such an important message for the future.