Does Print Marketing Still Have a Place?

These days, digital marketing is the in thing. It’s what everyone seems to be raving about whilst print marketing trundles along quietly in the background. Well, print marketing is just as important as ever, and we’re here to fight its corner. We see it everywhere in the form of brochures, fliers and business cards, in newspapers and magazines, on posters, letters and invitations, and it still offers a plethora of perks.
Let’s explore how professional photography will benefit your print marketing strategy.

Print marketing offers something different

We’re at a point in our highly digital world where print marketing can sometimes almost seem unique. We’re so used to being bombarded with emails and digital ads in the oversaturated, online market that print marketing has great attention-grabbing potential.
People once again have the time to go through the mail on their doormat but not so much the emails in their inbox, so integrating eye-catching photography is more important than ever.

Printed materials have a longer shelf life

Once you’ve printed a nice glossy brochure, there’s no worrying about social media algorithms, SEO or web hosting. It’s there for good, which means there’s an added bonus of being more cost-effective – no extra charges like there are recruiting customers with PPC, for example.
People will keep hold of business cards, they’ll leave a booklet or catalogue out on the coffee table, and a poster can stay up… well, until someone finally takes it down.

Tangible marketing materials sour a connection

With thick, high-quality card and the shine of a glossy page, there’s no doubt that print marketing exudes professionalism and credibility. Holding a physical object in our hands inspires more of a connection and response than seeing it on a screen. Printed materials maintain the reader’s attention more easily and is often read slower and digested more effectively.
People are more likely to remember something they saw in person, opposed to something they quickly scrolled past or deleted. Then there’s the element of trust: lots of online users are wary of clicking on ads, but there’s no danger in opening up a brochure.

Print marketing can be just as targeted as digital

Sure, print marketing can’t be programmed to only display for certain demographics or audiences, but if you know a physical location or a popular event that your audience frequents, you also know where to distribute your materials for maximum exposure.
Let’s remember too that not everybody is online, or at least not very often. If your target audience is the older generation or those who aren’t tech savvy, they may never find you if not for print marketing.

Traditional marketing can strengthen online activity

Print marketing can be implemented as part of a holistic campaign. Using features like QR codes, printed marketing materials can lead consumers to online landing pages or signup forms, where the user will already be somewhat of a warm lead thanks to their positive association with the physical product.
Alongside digital, print can work towards goals like increasing awareness and generating leads, and it’s still very much a vehicle for imagery, branding and copywriting, just like any digital tool. It might just be the case, though, that having that information physically in hand is what pushes a consumer to take action and get in touch.

Harness the power of print

We’re here to create incredible images that take your print marketing strategy to the next level. To get started, fill in our contact form and book a free consultation.

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